K. M. Ehrenfeldt

Ophiuchun Image

Artist's Statement

Inspired through the mystical union of spirit and nature, I follow the path of art as it emerges for me.  Visually archetypal or anthropomorphic, my work thematically recognizes nature as teacher, as provider – as physical, transcendent, animate in spirit.  Inspired by these themes of transformation, I produce mixed media pieces, using the material most conducive to the inspiration.  Material also inspires, beckoning for a new life as art, revealing its deeper character and hidden nature.  These works also speak of rebirth and regeneration, through their imagery and very experience as matter.

What fascinates me most about being an artist is engaging with the creative process itself.  Ideas seep into the conscious mind, seemingly new and often bearing great personal revelation.  Reaching through time, bound by no constraint of era or age, ideas travel to the moment, delivering significant messages.  This inspiring rain descends upon many, and some will act, some will simply accept, and others intrigued by the new perspective, will wonder and set off in exploration. 

A fresh image, both with deep roots and the incarnations of many lifetimes, asserts itself into the world anew, for a purpose known only to itself.  It is as though ideas are children of the mind. They are born to parents younger than themselves, received through the shelter of experience, fighting the preconceived for a right to be. It is as if a hidden story is discovered anew by a diligent historian, sifting through ashes for the wider truth. And I, fascinated by some vision or feeling, search ever more deeply into the distant terrain, discovering some truth for myself along the way.